Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1

Yes, it’s grep again! Since we have already mentioned that we can use grep to search strings

in binaries, it’s just a piece of cake for grep to deal with text files. Let’s try grep with previous


snakeninnysiMac:~ snakeninny$ grep -r -i proximity
char proximityUUID[512];
NSUUID *_proximityUUID;

Although the results of grep are comprehensive, it looks a little messy. Here, I recommend

using the built-in search function in OSX. After all, graphical interface looks more

straightforward than command line.

5.2.4 Test private methods

In reverse engineering, most methods we are interested in are private. As a result, there are

no documentations available for reference. If lucky enough, you can get some information from

Google. However, it may indicate that your target methods have already been reversed by

others, hence your tweak may not be unique. If there is nothing on Google, congratulations,

you are probably the first one to come up with the tweak idea, but you have to test the private

methods by yourself.

Testing Objective-C methods is much simpler than testing C/C++ functions, which can be

done via either CydiaSubstrate or Cycript.

  • CydiaSubstrate

When testing methods, we mainly use CydiaSubstrate to hook them in order to determine

when they’re called. Suppose we think saveScreenShot: in SBScreenShooter.h is called during

screenshot, we can write the following code to verify it:

%hook SBScreenShotter

  • (void)saveScreenshot:(BOOL)screenshot
    NSLog(@"iOSRE: saveScreenshot: is called");

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