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(Romina) #1

Because the inspiration of this tweak came from Shoghian, I’ve signed his name as the

coauthor, as shown in figure 5-18. He was very happy and hence we made friends with each

other. Speaker SBSettings Toggle is my third public tweak on Cydia, with very simple functions

and no advertising, it still accumulated nearly 10,000 downloads, (as shown in figure 5-19),

which was a happy ending. More importantly, it was unexpectedly exhausting writing this

tweak. My target looked so simple until I really got my hands dirty, which gave me a warning

that actions spoke louder than words, I still had a long way to go. Not until the similar situations

happened again and again in later days then I finally realized that class-dump was only a

supporting role in iOS reverse engineering, and it indirectly encouraged me to dig into IDA and

LLDB, which helped me step onto a new stage in iOS reverse engineering.

Figure 5- 18 Shoghian is the coauthor

Figure 5- 19 Neary 10,000 downloads

5.4 Conclusion

In this chapter, we’ve comprehensively introduced how a tweak works as well as the

thought and process of writing a tweak, accompanied with practical examples, I believe these

contents can help beginners learn iOS reverse engineering better. iOS reverse engineering in

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