Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1

nothing is more appropriate than Apps. As a result, in the following sections, we will take Apps

as examples, and try to refine “locate target functions” with ARM level reverse engineering, as

well enhance the methodology of writing a tweak.

6.2.1 Cut into the target App and find the UI function

For an App, what we’re interested in are regularly presented on UI, which exhibits

execution processes and results. The relationship between function and UI is very tight, if we

can get the UI object that interests us, we can find its corresponding function, which is referred

to as “UI function”. The process of getting the programmatic UI object of our interested visual

UI control object, then further getting the UI function of the programmatic UI object is usually

implemented with Cycript, with the magic private method “recursiveDescription” in UIView

and the undervalued public method “nextResponder” in UIResponder. In the rest of this

chapter, I will explain this process by taking Mail as the example to summarize the

methodology, and then apply the methodology to MobilePhoneSettings to give you a deeper

impression. All the work is finished on iPhone 5, iOS 8.1.

  1. Inject Cycript into Mail

Firstly use the skill mentioned in section “dumpdecrypted” to locate the process name of

Mail, and inject with Cycript:

FunMaker-5:~ root# ps -e | grep /Applications
363 ?? 0:06.94 /Applications/
596 ?? 0:01.50
623 ?? 0:08.50 /Applications/
713 ttys000 0:00.01 grep /Applications
FunMaker-5:~ root# cycript -p MobileMail

  1. Examine the view hierarchy of “Mailboxes” view, and locate “compose”


The private method [UIView recursiveDescription] returns the view hierarchy of UIView.

Normally, the current view is consists of at least one UIWindow object, and UIWindow inherits

from UIView, so we can use this private method to examine the view hierarchy of current view.

Its usage follows this pattern:

cy# ?expand
expand == true
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