Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1

Figure 6-14 Button is hidden

Now, we have successfully located “compose” button, and its description is

<UIToolbarButton: 0x14798410; frame = (285 0; 23 44); opaque = NO; gestureRecognizers =

<NSArray: 0x14799510>; layer = <CALayer: 0x14798510>>. Next, we need to find out its UI


  1. Find out UI function of “compose” button

UI function of a button is its response method after tapping it. Usually we use [UIControl

addTarget:action:forControlEvents:] to add a response method to a UIView object (I haven’t

seen any exceptions so far). Meanwhile, the method [UIControl

actionsForTarget:forControlEvent:] offers a way to get the response method of a UIControl

object. Based on this, as long as the view we get in the last step is a subclass of UIControl (Again,

I haven’t seen any exceptions so far), we can find out its response method. More specifically in

this example, we do it like this:

cy# button = #0x14798410
#"<UIToolbarButton: 0x14798410; frame = (285 0; 23 44); hidden = YES; opaque = NO;
gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x14799510>; layer = <CALayer: 0x14798510>>"
cy# [button allTargets]
[NSSet setWithArray:@[#"<ComposeButtonItem: 0x14609d00>"]]]
cy# [button allControlEvents]
cy# [button actionsForTarget:#0x14609d00 forControlEvent:64]
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