Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1

Figure 6-20 R0’s evolution

Similarly, before “BLX.W _objc_msgSend”, the latest assignment of R1 comes from “MOV

R1, R4”, thus R1 comes from R4; the latest assignment of R4 comes from “LDR R4, [R0]”, thus

R4 comes from *R0, i.e. “action” which is already commented out in IDA. The evolution of R1

is shown in figure 6-21:

Figure 6-21 R1’s change process

So after reproduction, the first objc_msgSend becomes [self action], and the return value is

stored in R0, right? Next, the process judges whether [self action] is 0. If it is 0, there will be no

actions; otherwise, it branches to figure 6-22:

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