Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1

Figure 6-23 The relationship of objc_msgSend’s arguments

Figure 6-24 The relationship of objc_msgSend’s arguments

So, seems the core of [UIBarButtonItem _sendAction:withEvent:] is [[UIApplication

sharedApplication] sendAction:[self action] to:[self target] from:self forEvent:event]. Since we

have already known that [UIBarButtonItem _sendAction:withEvent:] will perform “compose

mail” operation, [[UIApplication sharedApplication] sendAction:[self action] to:[self target]

from:self forEvent:event] is sure to get called. Although with IDA, we’ve sorted out where

every argument comes from, IDA can’t tell us what their values are during execution. So, it’s

time to bring LLDB on stage to do some dynamic debugging.

Attach debugserver to MobileMail, and connect with LLDB, then print out the ASLR offset

of UIKit:

(lldb) image list -o -f
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