Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1

Figure 6-35 The assignment of R6

Figure 6-36 The assignment of R6

Figure 6-37 The assignment of R6

This makes sense; the functionality of tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: is basically

returning an available cell. So, its regular implementation is to create an empty cell at first, then

configure it with other methods. Well, where does the configuration of “my number” happen?

Regardless of efficiency, we can investigate from the beginning of [PSListController

tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:]. Since there’s a limited number of objc_msgSends, by

printing out [$r6 detailTextLabel] before and after each objc_msgSend and comparing the

differences, we can definitely locate this configuration objc_msgSend; if you’re good at math,

dichotomy can be used in this scenario, you can inspect from the middle. Anyway, it’s just a

matter of personal preferences. In this example, I use a compromised dichotomy, as shown in

figure 6-38.

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