Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1

branches right, R0 is permanently 0, if R0 is an argument, it’s meaningless. Therefore,

PhoneSettingsCopyMyNumber doesn’t seem to have any argument either. To play it safe, let’s

reconfirm our guesses by checking the implementation of CTSettingCopyMyPhoneNumber in

CoreTelephony, as shown in figure 6-46.

Figure 6-46 CTSettingCopyMyPhoneNumber

According to the naming conventions of Objective-C functions,

CTTelephonyCenterGetDefault is a getter and should return something; as a result, R0 under

“BL _CTTelephonyCenterGetDefault” is set to the return value of

CTTelephonyCenterGetDefault. Meanwhile, at the bottom of figure 6-46, R1 is set to R4 in

“MOV R1, R4”. If R0 and R1 are arguments, then they are useless, which doesn’t make sense.

Now we can say for sure that CTSettingCopyMyPhoneNumber has no argument. What about

its return value? We naturally guess it’s an NSString object. Let’s verify it by setting a breakpoint

at the end of CTSettingCopyMyPhoneNumber, and print out R0. First locate to the end of

CTSettingCopyMyPhoneNumber in IDA, as shown in figure 6-47.

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