Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1

Figure 8- 9 After setLeftBarButtonItem:

No problem! We’ve successfully added the button. Therefore, we can confirm that

MailboxPickerController is the controller of “Mailboxes” view.

8.2.4 Find the delegate of “All Inboxes” view using Reveal and


After adding the whitelist button, we need to implement the function of it. First let’s take a

look at how to capture the refresh completion event. Since the event is straightly showed on

“All Inboxes” view, it is very likely that the callback method is defined in the delegate of this

view. Now let’s turn to “All Inboxes” view in figure 8-3 and use Reveal rather than repeating

what we’ve done with Cycript in section 8.2.3, to locate a cell of this view, and then turn back to

Cycript to find its associated UITableView as well delegate.

With Reveal, we can easily locate the top cell, as shown in figure 8-11.

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