Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1

Figure 9-13 onShowSightAction

In figure 9-13, we know that a WCActionSheet object is created from the very beginning.

From its name, we can guess that WCActionSheet acts like UIActionSheet, but we didn’t see

any action sheet when we long press the Sight, so onLongPressedWCSightFullScreenWindow:

is probably not the method we want.

The last method, onLongPressedWCSight:, is shown in figure 9-14.

Figure 9-14 onLongPressedWCSight:

From figure 9-14, we can see it records some information, then calls onLongTouch, which

proves our conjecture indirectly. Now, let’s debug onLongPressedWCSightFullScreenWindow:

and onLongTouch using LLDB. Firstly, attach debugserver to MicroMessenger:

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