Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1

case, because there is already one recipient, MobileSMS will probably branch left. It’s very

simple to verify our assumption: input “[email protected]” in the address entry, then set a

breakpoint on any instruction in the right branch and at last press “return” to finish editing. We

can see that the breakpoint is not triggered; as a result, we can confirm that R5 comes from [$r8

__ck_displayName] in the left branch. In other words, [$r8 __ck_displayName] is the 3rd data

source. Where does R8 come from? Scroll up in IDA, we can find that R8 is from [[self

conversation] sendingService] at the beginning of [CKMessageEntryView updateEntryView], as

shown in figure 10-19.

Figure 10- 19 Look for 4th data source

Therefore, [[self conversation] sendingService] is the 4th data source. Let’s verify our

analysis so far with LLDB: input “[email protected]” in the address entry, then set a

breakpoint on “MOV R8, R0” in figure 10-19 and at last press “return” to finish editing. Execute

“po [$r0 __ck_displayName]” when the breakpoint gets triggered and then see whether LLDB

outputs “iMessage”:

(lldb) br s -a 0x28768962
Breakpoint 14: where = ChatKit`-[CKMessageEntryView updateEntryView] + 54, address =
(lldb) br com add 14
Enter your debugger command(s). Type 'DONE' to end.
> po [$r0 __ck_displayName]
> c
Text Message
Process 200596 resuming
Command #2 'c' continued the target.
Process 200596 resuming
Command #2 'c' continued the target.

From the output, we know that the breakpoint has been triggered twice, and iMessage

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