Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1

support was detected in the 2nd time. Since iMessage comes from [[[self conversation]

sendingService] __ck_displayName], what is the return value of [self conversation] and [[self

conversation] sendingService]? No hurry, we will get to them one by one.

Reinput the address and set 2 breakpoints on the first 2 objc_msgSends in

[CKMessageEntryView updateEntryView] respectively. Then press “return” to trigger the


Process 14235 stopped
* thread #1: tid = 0x379b, 0x2b528948 ChatKit`-[CKMessageEntryView updateEntryView] +
28, queue = ', stop reason = breakpoint 1.1
frame #0: 0x2b528948 ChatKit`-[CKMessageEntryView updateEntryView] + 28
ChatKit`-[CKMessageEntryView updateEntryView] + 28:

  • 0x2b528948: blx 0x2b5f5f44 ; symbol stub for:
    0x2b52894c: mov r6, r0
    0x2b52894e: movw r0, #51162
    0x2b528952: movt r0, #2547
    (lldb) p (char )$r1
    ) $6 = 0x2b60cc16 "conversation"
    (lldb) ni
    Process 14235 stopped

  • thread #1: tid = 0x379b, 0x2b52894c ChatKit-[CKMessageEntryView updateEntryView] + 32, queue = ', stop reason = instruction step over frame #0: 0x2b52894c ChatKit-[CKMessageEntryView updateEntryView] + 32
    ChatKit`-[CKMessageEntryView updateEntryView] + 32:

  • 0x2b52894c: mov r6, r0
    0x2b52894e: movw r0, #51162
    0x2b528952: movt r0, #2547
    0x2b528956: add r0, pc
    (lldb) po $r0
    CKPendingConversation<0x1587e870>{identifier:'(null)' guid:'(null)'}(null)

The return value of [self conversation] is a CKPendingConversation object. OK, now look at

the next one:

(lldb) c
Process 14235 resuming
Process 14235 stopped
* thread #1: tid = 0x379b, 0x2b52895e ChatKit`-[CKMessageEntryView updateEntryView] +
50, queue = ', stop reason = breakpoint 2.1
frame #0: 0x2b52895e ChatKit`-[CKMessageEntryView updateEntryView] + 50
ChatKit`-[CKMessageEntryView updateEntryView] + 50:

  • 0x2b52895e: blx 0x2b5f5f44 ; symbol stub for:
    0x2b528962: mov r8, r0
    0x2b528964: movw r0, #52792
    0x2b528968: movt r0, #2547
    (lldb) p (char )$r1
    ) $8 = 0x2b6105e1 "sendingService"
    (lldb) ni
    Process 14235 stopped

  • thread #1: tid = 0x379b, 0x2b528962 ChatKit-[CKMessageEntryView updateEntryView] + 54, queue = ', stop reason = instruction step over frame #0: 0x2b528962 ChatKit-[CKMessageEntryView updateEntryView] + 54

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