Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1

Figure 10- 27 Inspect cross references

Refresh sending service? This name is very informative. Let’s head directly to

[CKPendingConversation refreshComposeSendingServiceForAddresses:withCompletionBlock:]

as shown in figure 10-28 for more details. In this method, sub_26984530 is obviously the 2nd

argument of refreshStatusForAddresses:withCompletionBlock:, namely the completionBlock, as

shown in figure 10-28.

Figure 10- 28 [CKPendingConversation refreshComposeSendingServiceForAddresses:withCompletionBlock:]

Although sub_26984530 appears in this method, it just acts as an argument of

objc_msgSend, hence is not called directly. Well, who is the direct caller on earth? Actually,

we’ve already mastered the solution of such problems: reinput the address, set a breakpoint at

the beginning of sub_26984530 and then press “return” to trigger the breakpoint.

Process 30928 stopped
* thread #1: tid = 0x78d0, 0x30b36530 ChatKit`__86-[CKPendingConversation
refreshComposeSendingServiceForAddresses:withCompletionBlock:]_block_invoke, queue =
', stop reason = breakpoint 6.1
frame #0: 0x30b36530 ChatKit`__86-[CKPendingConversation

  • 0x30b36530: push {r4, r5, r6, r7, lr}
    0x30b36532: add r7, sp, #12
    0x30b36534: push.w {r8, r10}
    0x30b36538: sub sp, #4
    (lldb) p/x $lr
    (unsigned int) $38 = 0x30b364bb

LR without offset is 0x30b364bb - 0xa1b2000 = 0x269844BB. Locate it in IDA, as shown in

figure 10-29.

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