Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1

Because SP2 = SP1 - 0x14 and *SP1 = R1,

Therefore, “STR R1, [SP,#0xA8+var_A8]” is the place where *(SP2 + 0x14) is written, and

R1 in this instruction is the 14th data source A! Also, we can easily find that R5 in “MOV R1, R5”

is the 12th data source B. The logics of tracing from 13th data source A to 14th data source A

and from 11th data source B to 12th data source B go across images, bringing high complexity.

With the illustration of figure 10-39, I hope everything is more intuitive. We strongly suggest

you comb through everything by referring to this figure before moving on to the next


Figure 10- 39 How data sources evolve

Before we continue our analysis, let’s verify our deduction so far with LLDB: reinput the

address and set the breakpoint on “STR R1, [SP,#0xA8+var_A8]” to print R1, i.e. the 14th data

source A. Next, execute “ni” until we reach “MOV R1, R5”, print R5 i.e. the 12th data source B.

Then we’ll experience an image switch from IMCore to ChatKit, so execute “si” to reach “CMP

R0, #2” and print R0, i.e. the 13th data source A. Finally, we execute “ni” until “TST.W R1,

#0xFF” to print R1, i.e. the 11th data source B. Press “return” to trigger the breakpoint and

follow the above steps to check whether their values equal to each other like figure 10-39 shows.

(lldb) br s -a 0x30230D6E
Process 37477 stopped
* thread #1: tid = 0x9265, 0x30230d6e IMCore`___lldb_unnamed_function425$$IMCore + 1354,
queue = ', stop reason = breakpoint 11.1
frame #0: 0x30230d6e IMCore`___lldb_unnamed_function425$$IMCore + 1354
IMCore`___lldb_unnamed_function425$$IMCore + 1354:

  • 0x30230d6e: str r1, [sp]

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