Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1

Therefore, if R11 - R8 produces borrow, i.e. R8 is greater than R11, then MobileSMS will branch

right, otherwise it will branch left. So the key here is R8, as shown in figure 10-48.

Figure 10- 48 Where R8 comes

R8 comes from [NSArray countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count:]. Reinput the

address, set the breakpoint and press “return”, let’s see what NSArray is:

(lldb) br s - a 0x3023089C
Breakpoint 2: where = IMCore`___lldb_unnamed_function425$$IMCore + 120, address =
Process 102482 stopped
* thread #1: tid = 0x19052, 0x3023089c IMCore`___lldb_unnamed_function425$$IMCore + 120,
queue = ', stop reason = breakpoint 2.1
frame #0: 0x3023089c IMCore`___lldb_unnamed_function425$$IMCore + 120
IMCore`___lldb_unnamed_function425$$IMCore + 120:

  • 0x3023089c: blx 0x302a03b0 ; symbol stub for: objc_msgSend
    0x302308a0: mov r8, r0
    0x302308a2: cmp.w r8, #0
    0x302308a6: beq.w 0x302309c2 ; _lldb_unnamed_function425$$IMCore +
    (lldb) p (char )$r1
    ) $5 = 0x2c8181d9 "countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count:"
    (lldb) po $r0
    NSArrayI 0x178d6b20>(
    mailto:[email protected]

NSArray is an array of recipients, thus R8 is the recipient count. If there’s more than 1

recipients, then since R11 is 1 when “CMP R11, R8” gets executed for the first time, we can

know that R8 is greater than R11 and MobileSMS will branch right, as shown in figure 10-49.

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