Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

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Reproduce these 3 objc_msgSends into Objective-C methods, they are [NSArray

removeObject:@"mailto:[email protected]"], [NSDictionary

valueForKey:@"mailto:[email protected]"] and [NSNumber integerValue] respectively.

Among them, R0 of the 2nd objc_msgSend deserves our special attention. It is the key-value

pair in this R0 (an NSDictionary) that determines the 14th data source. Therefore, this

NSDictionary is the 15th data source. According to figure 10-49, we can know that it comes

from [SP,#0xA8+var_80], which means [SP,#0xA8+var_80] is the 16th data source. Here

comes our familiar operation to trace the 17th data source; inspect the cross references to

var_80 as shown in figure 10-51.

Figure 10- 51 Inspect cross references

As we can see, only one instruction writes into this address. Double click this instruction to

jump to the beginning of sub_2903E824, as shown in figure 10-52.

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