Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1
* thread #1: tid = 0x19052, 0x30230668 IMCore`IMChatCalculateServiceForSendingNewCompose
+ 688, queue = ', stop reason = breakpoint 6.1
frame #0: 0x30230668 IMCore`IMChatCalculateServiceForSendingNewCompose + 688
IMCore`IMChatCalculateServiceForSendingNewCompose + 688:

  • 0x30230668: blx 0x302a03b0 ; symbol stub for: objc_msgSend
    0x3023066c: mov r5, r0
    0x3023066e: add r0, sp, #44
    0x30230670: mov r1, r5
    (lldb) po $r2
    <__NSArrayM 0x17820560>(

OK, we can now turn back to Cycript to verify our assumption:

FunMaker-5:~ root# cycript - p MobileSMS
cy# [[IDSIDQueryController sharedInstance]
_currentIDStatusForDestinations:@[@"mailto:[email protected]",
@"mailto:[email protected]", @"", @"",
@"tel:911", @"tel:+86PhoneNumber"] service:@""
@{"":2,"mailto:[email protected]":1,"tel:911":2,"
m":2,"mailto:[email protected]":1,"tel:+86PhoneNumber":1}

Aha, the output clearly supports our statements: 2 iMessage supportive emails and 1

iMessage supportive phone number all return 1, while the other 3 iMessage unsupportive

addresses return 2. What’s more, we know the code name of iMessage is “Madrid”. Mission

complete! Cheers!

10.3 Send iMessages

Through the baptism of section 10.2, I believe many of you may share the same feeling with

me: debugging with LLDB step by step is of course rigorous and precise, but the workload along

with it is overwhelmingly heavy. Reverse engineering is full of error checks, don’t be afraid of

making mistakes. In this section, we’ll jump out and step up with wild guesses to achieve our

goal; we’ll try to avoid massive analysis with LLDB, instead make use of class-dump to filter

suspicious methods, and test them with IDA and Cycript to finally achieve our goal of sending


10.3.1 Observe MobileSMS and look for cut-in points

In comparison with detecting iMessages, cut-in point of sending iMessages is more

noticeable. In figure 10-55, the bold blue “Send” button is Apple’s gift for this section.

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