Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1

Figure 10- 57 [CKMessageEntryView touchUpInsideSendButton:button]

It first calls [[self delegate] messageEntryViewSendButtonHit:self] then calls [self

updateEntryView]. As their names suggest, the latter method simply refreshes UI; so sending

action should come from the former one. Use Cycript to find out what’s [self delegate]:

cy# [#0x160c6180 delegate]
#"<CKTranscriptController: 0x15537200>"

Go to [CKTranscriptController messageEntryViewSendButtonHit:CKMessageEntryView]

in IDA. This is a pretty simple method, as shown in figure 10-58.

Figure 10- 58 [CKTranscriptController messageEntryViewSendButtonHit:CKMessageEntryView]

By overviewing this method, I bet you can easily locate the actual sending action in [self

sendComposition:[CKMessageEntryView compositionWithAcceptedAutocorrection]]. Let’s see

what’s [self compositionWithAcceptedAutocorrection] in Cycript:

cy# [#0x160c6180 compositionWithAcceptedAutocorrection]
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