Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1

Figure 10- 61 branch

“nextMediaObjectToTrimInComposition:”? Is “media object” referring to image, audio or

video kind of things? Since we’re sending plain text, there’s no media at all. Branch right and

arrive at figure 10-62.

Figure 10- 62 Branch

What’s R0? Get back to the beginning of sendComposition:, as shown in figure 10-63.

Figure 10- 63 Trace R0

R0 turns out to be self->_newRecipient, let’s print its value in Cycript:

cy# #0x15537200->_newRecipient

So the result of “TST.W R0, #4” is 0, branch right and arrive at loc_268D4604, as shown in

figure 10-64.

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