Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1

[CKConversationList _handleRegistryDidRegisterChatNotification:]; you’ll see in your IDA that

this time IMChat is from [notification object] instead of the argument, which is a notification.

Since this IMChat object is passed through a notification, to trace its source, we have to find the

poster of this notification instead of the caller of [CKConversationList

_handleRegistryDidRegisterChatNotification:]. Let’s set a breakpoint on the base address of this

method and take a look at the structure of notification:

Process 248623 stopped
* thread #1: tid = 0x3cb2f, 0x30a8d4ac ChatKit`-[CKConversationList
_handleRegistryDidRegisterChatNotification:], queue = ', stop
reason = breakpoint 16.1
frame #0: 0x30a8d4ac ChatKit`-[CKConversationList
ChatKit`-[CKConversationList _handleRegistryDidRegisterChatNotification:]:

  • 0x30a8d4ac: push {r4, r5, r6, r7, lr}
    0x30a8d4ae: add r7, sp, #12
    0x30a8d4b0: push.w {r8, r10, r11}
    0x30a8d4b4: sub.w r4, sp, #64
    (lldb) po $r2
    NSConcreteNotification 0x15934340 {name = __kIMChatRegistryDidRegisterChatNotification;
    object = <IMChat 0x147c39f0> [Identifier: [email protected] GUID:
    iMessage;-;[email protected] Persistent ID: [email protected] Account:
    26B3EC90-783B-4DEC-82CF-F58FBBB22363 Style: - State: 0 Participants: 1 Room Name:
    (null) Display Name: (null) Last Addressed: (null) Group ID: (null) Unread Count: 0
    Failure Count: 0]}

The name of the notification is “__kIMChatRegistryDidRegisterChatNotification”. To find

out its poster, a good solution is to grep the whole filesystem and see what binaries contain the

notification name, as shown below:

FunMaker-5:~ root# grep -r _handleRegistryDidRegisterChatNotification: /System/
Binary file /System/Library/Caches/ matches
grep: /System/Library/Caches/ No such
file or directory
grep: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Resources/libCGCorePDF.dylib: No
such file or directory
grep: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Resources/libCMSBuiltin.dylib:
No such file or directory
grep: /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreGraphics.framework/Resources/libCMaps.dylib: No
such file or directory
grep: /System/Library/Frameworks/System.framework/System: No such file or directory

The keyword appears in the cache. Naturally, let’s grep those decached files:

snakeninnys-MacBook:~ snakeninny$ grep - r __kIMChatRegistryDidRegisterChatNotification
Binary file
/Users/snakeninny/Code/iOSSystemBinaries/8.1_iPhone5//dyld_shared_cache_armv7s matches
c/sdk.dylib: Too many levels of symbolic links
.framework/libLLVMContainer.dylib: Too many levels of symbolic links
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