Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1

Figure 10- 88 Tracing the NSArray

R2 comes from R6, and R6 comes from [SP, #0xA8+var_80]. The same pattern has

reappeared, so as usual, I’ll replace text illustration with figure references, as shown in figure 10-

89 and 10-90.

Figure 10- 89 Inspect cross references

Figure 10- 90 [CKTranscriptController sendMessage:]

You may have already found that things are getting a little bit different. “STR R0,

[SP,#0xA8+var_80]” is just storing an initialized NSMutableArray into [SP, #0xA8+var_80], it

doesn’t contain any IMHandle yet. Hehe, since it’s an NSMutableArray, it can be extended by

addObject:, which could happen in the 2nd “LDR R0, [SP,#0xA8+var_80]” of figure 10-89. Let’s

jump there for a look, as shown in figure 10-91.

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