Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1
%hook SpringBoard

  • (void)_menuButtonDown:(id)down
    NSLog(@"You’ve pressed home button.");
    %orig; // call the original _menuButtonDown:

This snippet is to hook [SpringBoard _menuButtonDown:], write something to syslog

before executing the original method.

² %log

This directive is used inside %hook to write the method arguments to syslog. We can also

append anything else with the format of %log([(), ...]), for example:

%hook SpringBoard

  • (void)_menuButtonDown:(id)down
    %log((NSString )@"iOSRE", (NSString )@"Debug");
    %orig; // call the original _menuButtonDown:

The output is as follows:

Dec 3 10:57:44 FunMaker- 5 SpringBoard[786]: - [<SpringBoard: 0x150eb800>
Timestamp: 75607608282
Total Latency: 20266 us
SenderID: 0x0000000100000190
BuiltIn: 1
AttributeDataLength: 16
AttributeData: 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
ValueType: Absolute
EventType: Keyboard
UsagePage: 12
Usage: 64
Down: 1
]: iOSRE, Debug

² %orig

%orig is also used inside %hook; it executes the original hooked method, for example:

%hook SpringBoard

  • (void)_menuButtonDown:(id)down
    NSLog(@"You’ve pressed home button.");
    %orig; // call the original _menuButtonDown:

If %orig is removed, the original method will not be executed, for example:

%hook SpringBoard

  • (void)_menuButtonDown:(id)down

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