Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1

² %new

%new is used inside %hook to add a new method to an existing class; it’s the same as

class_addMethod, for example:

%hook SpringBoard

  • (void)namespaceNewMethod
    NSLog(@"We’ve added a new method to SpringBoard.");

Some of you may wonder, category in Objective-C can already add new methods to classes,

why do we still need %new? The difference between category and %new is that the former is

static while the latter is dynamic. Well, does static adding or dynamic adding matter? Yes,

especially when the class to be added is from a certain executable, it matters. For example, the

above code adds a new method to SpringBoard. If we use category, the code should look like


@interface SpringBoard (iOSRE)

  • (void)namespaceNewMethod;

@implementation SpringBoard (iOSRE)

  • (void)namespaceNewMethod
    NSLog(@"We’ve added a new method to SpringBoard.");

We will get “error: cannot find interface declaration for ‘SpringBoard’” when trying to

compile the above code, which indicates that the compiler cannot find the definition of

SpringBoard. We can compose a SpringBoard class to cheat the compiler:

@interface SpringBoard : NSObject

@interface SpringBoard (iOSRE)

  • (void)namespaceNewMethod;

@implementation SpringBoard (iOSRE)

  • (void)namespaceNewMethod
    NSLog(@"We’ve added a new method to SpringBoard.");

Recompile it, we’ll still get the following error:

Undefined symbols for architecture armv7:
"_OBJC_CLASS_$_SpringBoard", referenced from:
l_OBJC_$_CATEGORY_SpringBoard_$_iOSRE in Tweak.xm.b1748661.o
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