Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1

Figure 3- 5 Control informaton in Cydia

  • iOSREProject.plist

This plist file has the similar function to Info.plist of an App, which records some

configuration information. Specifically in a tweak, it describes the functioning scope of the

tweak. It can be edited with plutil or Xcode.

iOSREProject.plist consists of a “Root” dictionary, which has a key named “Filter”, as

shown in figure 3-6:

Figure 3- 6 iOSREProject.plist

There’s a series of arrays under “Filter”, which can be categorized into 3 types.

² “Bundles” specifies several bundles as the tweak’s targets, as shown in figure 3-7.

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