Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1

opening its long closed door to us... The common scenarios of Theos and Logos are mostly

covered in this section, and for a more thorough introduction, please refer to and

Because of Theos, it has never been easier to modify a closed-source App. As we have

already mentioned, with the increase of App sizes, class-dump produces a greater amount of

headers. It has became much more difficult to locate our targets than pure coding. Facing

thousands lines of code, if there are no other tools to aid our analysis, reverse engineering would

be a nightmare. Now, it’s showtime of these auxiliary analysis tools.

3.3 Reveal

Figure 3- 15 Reveal

Reveal, as shown in figure 3-15, is a UI analysis tool by ITTY BITTY, enabling us to see the

view hierarchy of an App intuitively. The official purpose of Reveal is to “See your application’s

view hierarchy at runtime with advanced 2D and 3D visualisations”, but as reverse engineers,

seeing our own Apps’ view hierarchies is obviously not enough, we should be able to see other

Apps’ view hierarchies. Figure 3-16 shows the effect of seeing AppStore’s view hierarchy using


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