Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1

Figure 3-30 IDA main screen

When entering the screen in figure 3-30, you will see the progress bar at the top loading, the

output window at the bottom printing the analysis progress. When the main color of the

progress bar changes to blue, and the output window shows the message “The initial

autoanalysis has been finished”, it indicates the initial analysis is completed.

At the beginning stage, IDA is mainly used for static analysis, the output window is quite

useless, we can close it for now.

Now that there are two major windows, on the left is “Functions window” as shown in

figure 3-31, on the right is “Main window” as shown in figure 3-32. Now, let’s take a look at

them one by one.

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