Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1

3.4.3 An analysis example of IDA

Having introduced so many features of IDA, now I will use a simple example to show the

real power of IDA. Jailbreak users know, Cydia will suggest us “Restart SpringBoard” when a

tweak finishes installation. How does Cydia perform a respring? Please go through section 3.5

quickly and copy “/System/Library/CoreServices/” from iOS to

OSX using iFunBox, then open it with IDA. When the initial analysis is finished, search

“relaunchSpringBoard” in function window, double click it to jump to its function body, as

shown in figure 3-47.

Figure 3- 47 [SpringBoard relaunchSpringBoard]

As we can see in figure 3-47, this method’s implementation is simple and clear. According to

the execution flow from top to bottom, firstly it calls beginIgnoringInteractionEvents to ignore

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