Microsoft Word - iOSAppReverseEngineering.docx

(Romina) #1

all user interaction events; secondly, it calls hideSpringBoardStatusBar to hide the status bar in

SpringBoard, then it executes two subroutines, they are sub_35D2C and sub_350B8. Now,

double click sub_35D2C to jump to its implementation, as shown in figure 3-48.

Figure 3- 48 sub_35D2C

In figure 3-48, “log” appears a lot: First “initialize”, then check whether something is

“enabled”, at last “log” something. From those keywords, we can guess that this subroutine is

used for logging respring related operations, it has nothing to do with the essential function of

respring. Click the blue back button of IDA menu bar (as shown in figure 3-49), or just press

ESC, to go back to the implementation of “relaunchSpringBoard” and continue our analysis.

Figure 3-49 Back button

Double click sub_350B8 to jump to figure 3-50.

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