Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Two

function’s contributions is often difficult because of their
indirect effects. Nonetheless, valid measures of human resource
effectiveness can be developed. One means by which this
might be accomplished is through external benchmarking.
Benchmarking provides a useful means of both evaluating the
quality of human resource programs, activities, and impact as
well as a means of identifying areas in which resources should
be concentrated. The following quotation by David Ulrich,
Wayne Brockbank, and Arthur Yeung describes this practice:

Benchmarking HR practices provide the means of
focusing attention on highest value-added HR
activities—those practices which are more likely
to be practiced by successful companies. Rather
than fall into the trap of trying to do everything
well and please everyone with insufficient
resources—which results in no one being
satisfied—HR professionals could use
benchmarking to focus limited resources on
critical activities.^66

Evaluation of the human resource function can also be
accomplished by asking other mangers in the organization to
evaluate the quality of services provided by the human
resource management function.^67 One guide for evaluation is to
place greatest emphasis on measuring the most critical human

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