Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Two

  1. McClenahen, John S. “NAFTA Works: And Not Just by
    Moving Production to Mexico,” Industry Week 249, no. 1
    (January 10, 2000): 5–6; U.S. Department of State.
    “Background Notes: Mexico, August 1999,” Released by
    the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, U.S.
    Department of State, 1999; Fox, Adrienne. “Losing
    Ground on Free Trade,” Investor’s Business Daily
    (September 26, 1997): A1; Bagsarian, Tom. “NAFTA at
    5: A Boon for Customers,” New Steel 15, no. 10 (1999):

  2. Cerruti, James L., and Joseph Holtzman. “Business
    Strategy in the New European Landscape,” Journal of
    Business Strategy 10, no. 6 (1990): 18–23; Goette,
    Eckart E. “Europe 1992: Update for Business Planners,”
    Journal of Business Strategy 10, no. 2 (1990): 10–13;
    Devinney, Timothy M., and William C. Hightower.
    European Markets after 1992. Lexington, MA: Lexington
    Books, 1991; Oster, Patrick, Bill Javetski, and Gail E.
    Schares. “It’s 1993—and Europe Can Pop a Few Corks
    After All,” Business Week (January 11, 1993): 48.

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