Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Two

making it tougher on line managers, then explain how good HR
planning can help solve some of those problems.”^99

As noted earlier, changing demands for skills also has the
potential to affect the degree of integration between strategic
planning and human resource planning. With the decline in pro-
portion of employment accounted for by manufacturing and
growth of services, there has been a changing demand for
employee skills. In the service industry, there is concurrent
creation and consumption of the service by the consumer. As a
result, service workers must be more involved in controlling
quality, make appropriate adjustments when standards are not
met, and must be responsible for more of their own
supervision. Such changes dictate that service workers be more
involved and committed to the organization. In order to create
institutional climates and processes, which provide information
and power sharing necessary for employees to operate in this
manner, companies must plan ahead and make major changes
in organizational direction.^100 Nonetheless, there is considerable
confusion about manufacturing and its importance in the United
States. Although a smaller proportion of the labor force may be
employed in manufacturing in the future because of greater
automation, computerization, robotics, and new technologies,
the importance of manufacturing to the United States should
not be underestimated.^101

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