Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Two



The human resource function sometimes fails to play a major
role in the organization’s strategy formulation process because
of the planning inadequacies of human resource executives.^107
However, planning difficulties are not unique to such
executives. Indeed, managers from all functional areas have
problems with strategic planning. This section will review these
general problems and will address the specific implications for
human resource management.

Planning Problems

It is well known that managers are action oriented, often
preferring the action of decision-making or problem-solving
interactions. In contrast, part of the planning process is done in
isolation. There is a lack of feedback or knowledge of results for
prolonged periods of time. Further, it is difficult to justify the
time needed for planning in relation to more immediate
problems that press for solutions. Thus, in spite of its value,
many managers do not like to plan. In addition to these general
planning problems, there are further problems with strategic
planning because it often results in reallocations of resources
that determine power and status. Effects of the desire to retain

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