Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Two

  1. Lengnick-Hall and Lengnick-Hall. “Strategic Human
    Resources Management: A Review of the
    Literature and a Proposed Typology.”

  2. Porter, Michael E. Competitive Advantage: Creating and
    Sustaining Superior Performance.

  3. Dyer. “Bringing Human Resources into the Strategy
    Formulation Process”; Lengnick-Hall and
    Lengnick-Hall. “Strategic Human Resources
    Management: A Review of the Literature and a

  4. Schrenk, Lorenz P. “Environmental Scanning,” in Lee
    Dyer (Ed.), Human Resource Management:
    Evolving Roles & Responsibilities. Washington, DC:
    Bureau of National Affairs, 1988, pp. 88–124;
    Zabriskie and Huellmantel. “Implementing Strategies for
    Human Resources.”

  5. Magnusson, Paul, and Stephen Baker. “The Mexico Pact:
    Worth the Price?” Business Week (May
    27, 1991): 32–35.

  6. Smith, Emily T. “Plastics That Break Down—Without
    Breaking the Bank,” Business Week (May 27,
    1991): 111.

  7. Henn. “What the Strategist Asks from Human

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