Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Three

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As indicated in the conceptual framework presented in the
Preface, the conventional wisdom has been that organizations
conduct human resource or workforce planning after strategy
formulation as a means of implementation. However, as also
indicated in the framework, where human resource planning is
fully integrated with strategy and has a reciprocal relationship,
it pro vides input in the formulation process. In such an
evolving role, human resource planning may identify
competitive advantages of the organization’s human resources
or it may be used to assess the feasibility of various strategic
alternatives, in terms of human resource capabilities. This
section will begin with a discussion of the growing strategic role
of human resource planning. Next, it will explore the topic by
providing an overview of human resource planning and the
managerial issues involved. It will then examine factors that
influence the selection of forecasting techniques, discuss
specific supply-and-demand forecasting techniques, and
provide examples of their application.

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