Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Three



Human resource planning is linked in several ways with
strategy formulation and implementation. One such linkage is
its developmental role.

Developmental Planning for Strategic Leadership

A management development expert observed that there is
currently more interest in succession planning today than there
has been during the past 30 years. Because of the rapidly
changing environments in which companies must compete,
there is concern that there will be a shortage of individuals with
the requisite skills and talents who can lead companies in the
twenty-first century. Given the significant costs of leadership
failures at the highest organizational levels, it is important to
have qualified replacements for high-level executives.
Succession planning, a form of human resource planning
discussed later, is an important part of the solution to the
successorship problem. Such planning, as well as other forms
of human resource planning, is becoming more critical to the
successful formulation and implementation of strategies.
Succession planning is quite challenging in today’s rapidly
changing environment because the skills that will be needed in

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