Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Three

Similarly, survey results reveal that companies doing extensive
human resource planning have been able to minimize layoffs
during a recession.^25


Several important managerial issues are critical to human
resource planning. Among the most important are the personal
implications for planners as well as acceptance by the
organization and challenges to planning efforts.

Personal Implications

Aside from the reasons noted earlier for human resource
planning and the associated benefits, there is another
pragmatic reason of individual importance to managers. This
reason is related to the fact that the planning process will have
normally required the human resource manager to
communicate with other managers, senior executives, and staff
members about the future human resource environment and
the associated staffing issues. It will also have forced the
human resource manager and other managers with planning
responsibilities to have thought through these staffing issues
and to have examined their operating assumptions. Although
there are limitations and abuses of planning and there has been
resistance to human resource planning in the past, there are

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