Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Three

  1. Niehaus. “Models for Human Resource Decisions”;
    Walker, James W. “Human Resource Planning, 1990s
    Style,” Human Resource Planning 13, no. 4 (1990):
    229–40; Fiorito, Jack, Thomas H. Stone, and Charles R.
    Greer. “Factors Affecting Choice of Human Resource
    Forecasting Techniques,” Human Resource Planning 8,
    no. 1 (1985): 1–17; Walker, James W. Human Resource
    Strategy. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1992; Wikstrom,
    Walter S. Manpower Planning: Evolving Systems. New
    York: The Conference Board, Inc., 1971.

  2. Niehaus. “Models for Human Resource Decisions”;
    Walker. “Human Resource Planning, 1990s Style”;
    Fiorito, Stone, and Greer. “Factors Affecting Choice of
    Human Resource Forecasting Techniques”; Walker.
    Human Resource Strategy; Wikstrom. Manpower
    Planning: Evolving Systems.

  3. Mills. “Planning with People in Mind.”

  4. Stone, Thomas H., and Jack Fiorito. “A Perceived
    Uncertainty Model of Human Resource Forecasting
    Technique Use,” Academy of Management Review 11,
    no. 3 (1986): 635–42.

  5. Linden Dana W. “Dreary Days in the Dismal Science,”
    Forbes (January 21, 1991): 68–71.

  6. Ibid., p. 68.

  7. Linden. “Dreary Days in the Dismal Science.”

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