Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Three

  1. Georgoff, David M., and Robert G. Murdick. “Manager’s
    Guide to Forecasting,” Harvard Business Review 64, no.
    1 (1986): 110–20.

  2. Ibid., p. 119.

  3. Georgoff and Murdick. “Manager’s Guide to

  4. Niehaus. “Models for Human Resource Decisions”;
    Greer, Jackson, and Fiorito. “Adapting Human Resource
    Planning in a Changing Business Environment”; Greer,
    Charles R., and Daniel Armstrong. “Human Resource
    Forecasting and Planning: A State-of-the-Art
    Investigation,” Human Resource Planning 3, no. 2
    (1980): 67–78.

  5. Milkovich and Mahoney. “Human Resources Planning
    and PAIR Policy.”

  6. Hoffman, William H., Larry Wyatt, and George G.
    Gordon. “Human Resource Planning: Shifting from
    Concept to Contemporary Practice,” Human Resource
    Planning 9, no. 3 (1986): 97–105.

  7. Gatewood, Robert D., and B. Wayne Rockmore.
    “Combining Organizational Manpower and Career
    Development Needs: An Operational Human Resource
    Planning Model,” Human Resource Planning 9, no. 3
    (1986): 81–96.

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