Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Three

  1. Quintanilla, Carl. “For Its Profit Streak, Emerson’s
    Reward Is a Laggard Share Price,” Wall Street Journal
    (May 11, 1996): A1–A8; Emerson Electric Web Site,

  2. Quintanilla. “For Its Profit Streak, Emerson’s Reward Is
    a Laggard Share Price,” p. A8.

  3. Walker. Human Resource Planning.

  4. Wagel, William H. “Planning for Tomorrow’s Human
    Resource Needs,” Personnel 63, no. 11 (1986): 4–9.

  5. Stahl, Robert J. “Succession Planning Drives Plant
    Turnaround,” Personnel Journal 71, no. 9 (1992): 67–

  6. Dyer, Lee. “Human Resource Planning at IBM,” Human
    Resource Planning 7, no. 3 (1984): 111–25; Hall,
    Douglas T. “Dilemmas in Linking Succession Planning to
    Individual Executive Learning,” Human Resource
    Management 25, no. 2 (1986): 235–65; Petrock, Frank.
    “Planning the Leadership Transition,” Journal of
    Business Strategy 11, no. 6 (1990): 14–16.

  7. Hall. “Dilemmas in Linking Succession Planning to
    Individual Executive Learning,” p. 239.

  8. Greller and Nee. From Baby Boom to Baby Bust: How
    Business Can Meet the Demographic Challenge.

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