Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Three

  1. Heneman and Sandver. “Markov Analysis in Human
    Resource Administration: Applications and Limitations”;
    Bechet and Maki. “Modeling and Forecasting Focusing
    on People as a Strategic Resource”; Middlemist, Hitt,
    and Greer. Personnel Management: Jobs, People, and

  2. Heneman and Sandver. “Markov Analysis in Human
    Resource Administration: Applications and Limitations.”

  3. Ibid.

  4. Hopkins, David S. P. “Models for Affirmative Action
    Planning and Evaluation,” Management Science 26, no.
    10 (1980): 994–1005; Ledvinka, James. “Technical
    Implications of Equal Employment Law for Manpower
    Planning,” Personnel Psychology 28, no. 3 (1975): 299–
    323; Heneman and Sandver. “Markov Analysis in Human
    Resource Administration: Applications and Limitations”;
    Flamholtz, Eric G., George T. Geis, Richard J. Perle. “A
    Markovian Model for the Valuation of Human Assets
    Acquired by an Organizational Purchase,” Interfaces 14,
    no. 6 (1984): 11–15.

  5. Dyer. “Human Resource Planning at IBM.”

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