Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Four

purpose. Some companies also have begun to help ensure a
better fit by collecting information about the work preferences
of potential team members through the use of questionnaires.^9

In addition, effective teams share feedback with each
other. Teams require substantial training, and their members
often benefit from being trained to present honest feedback in
a skillful manner. Another ingredient of effective teams is that
their members trust each other. As teams mature, they also
can become self-governing as leadership responsibilities
become shared within the team. Such self-governance reduces
the amount of hierarchy needed in the larger organization’s
structure. The leadership that develops from teams also
increases the stock of leadership talent within the whole

In addition to the conditions that must be present within
the teams, compatible organizational systems also are required
for team effectiveness. Compensation, other rewards, and
performance appraisal systems must be adapted to teams with
the move from individual to team contributions. For example,
some companies have emphasized team contributions in the
announcements of promotions.^11

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