Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Four

sometimes become inner-directed. As a result, they often fail to
interact effectively with units out-side of the team. When teams
have been formed to work as a temporary task force pursuing a
one-time project, instead of an ongoing permanent team, it is
especially important to have the team report regularly to higher
mangers and executives as well as outside units to keep others
apprised of their progress.^14

Executives and managers also need to be aware that
teams require a substantial amount of their attention and are
sometimes referred to as “high-maintenance” entities. One
observer has likened teams to a Ferrari in that they can
produce high performance but they also require high mainte-
nance. Teams are not a silver bullet solution for all
organizational problems, and they are often ineffective because
the conditions necessary for teamwork are not present.^15

An Example of an Effective Team

The Murder Squad of the Kansas City, Missouri, Police
Department provides an excellent example of how effective
teams operate. As a result of the squad’s teamwork, the city
has the highest percentage of murders solved of any city in the
United States. Most of the team members are detectives who
have many years of experience. All started as patrol officers
and worked their way up to be detectives. Team members

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