Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Four

because employees often tend to refer people like them-selves.
If a company has a good workforce, then there should be good
referrals. When minorities and women are underrepresented in
a company’s workforce, however, sole reliance on employee
referrals will tend to perpetuate the problem of

Strategic Recruiting

Interestingly, the use of the Internet has added another venue
to recruiting and is serving a tremendous need for matching
employees with employment opportunities. Company Websites
often inform viewers of the company’s mission and how it is
being pursued. They typically provide a graphical presentation
of how the company is organized and include a recruiting
section. There are usually explanations of career fields, job
opportunities, and provisions for e-mailing résumés directly to
the company. The Internet provides another component that
must be aligned with the company’s recruitment strategy and
can help provide the appropriate human resources for pursuing
specific strategies.

There is empirical evidence of the importance of such a
strategic alignment. An analysis of human resource practices of
welland poor-performing companies found that the well-
performing companies in the retailing industry were much more

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