Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Four

influence others can apply. Research indicates that the
simulations account for much of the predictive ability of
assessments centers. In addition, when done properly,
assessments centers involve training for assessors in
interviewing and observational skills. One reason for the high
predictive validity of assessment centers is that they involve
high ratios of assessors. Another reason is that the assessors
normally are higherlevel managers, from at least two levels
higher in the organization, who have performed the job
themselves.^42 An example of a very elaborate assessment
simulation is the Looking Glass, Inc.® exercise developed by
the Center for Creative Leadership in Greensboro, North
Carolina. In this assessment simulation, which is used for
developmental purposes, assessees play the roles of managers
and executives in a hypothetical company.

Because only limited space can be devoted to selection
issues here, readers who wish to learn more about this subject
are encouraged to refer to Human Resource Selection by
Robert Gatewood and Hubert Feild.

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