Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Four
Executives often adopted a “slash and burn”
strategy when retraining efforts failed to realize
objectives, laying off managers who did not
acquire new competencies, behaviors, and
attitudes. Layoffs following retraining programs
may send a message to the workforce that
retraining is a futile endeavor.^44

IBM is an example of a company that provided extensive
retraining for employees to be redeployed within the company.
However, most companies do not provide retraining for the
employees they lay off. A study by Leana and Feldman found
less than 10 percent of laid-off workers receive such assistance
from their former employers. Because governmental agencies
provide various retraining programs, the response of most
companies is to leave such training to these agencies.
However, there are exceptions, for example, the Ford Motor
Company, which funds and operates the National Development
and Training Center. Laid-off workers going through the Center
receive individualized retraining, specific to their needs.^45

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