Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Four

were not significantly different, for those retiring early, work
had a lower priority in their lives, they were less conscientious
about quality work, perceived lower likelihood of future
promotion, and were more dissatisfied with their present jobs.
In addition, they were more dissatisfied with their supervisors
and the company. Further, they were more dissatisfied with the
company a number of years before they retired. In retrospect,
some of this greater dissatisfaction may have been manageable
because there were warning signs of its development.
Nonetheless, the overall evaluation of the early retirement
program was that the more highly motivated managers who
had better work and company attitudes remained.^48

On the other side, from the perspective of those taking
early retirement, these managers seem to be motivated by an
instrumentality rationale. They had fewer financial concerns
and stronger life interests outside of work, such as hobbies and
socializing. Nonetheless, there was some dissatisfaction with
the manner in which the early retirements were handled. A
particularly troublesome issue was a change in the performance
appraisal approach, because it was perceived as a means of
shoving them out of the company.^49

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