Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Four
One manager describes this perception as follows:

About the time they introduced the new benefit
plan, they also introduced a new appraisal plan. I
had always been rated above average, but the
new appraisals were done by managers upstate. I
became the bottom of the list. My boss and I
both broke into tears. Rather than face another
unsatisfactory rating, I decided to leave the

A reaction such as this indicates that abrupt changes in
performance appraisal approaches are likely to be viewed as
deceptive and may create ill will. Thus, one guideline for
downsizing through the use of early retirements is that abrupt
changes in performance appraisal should be avoided. Further, a
truly voluntary approach is preferred because coercive
approaches will be seen for what they are.^51 To protect
themselves from charges of age discrimination, employers
downsizing through voluntary early retirement programs
typically request that employees sign waivers against claims
under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA).
Several specific conditions must be met before such waivers will
constitute valid defenses against such charges.^52

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