Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Four

travel requirements. Where both individuals have jobs that
necessitate extensive travel, there are difficult problems with
caring for children and in finding enough time for the couple to
be together.^91

Most employees in dual-career situations have a strong
desire for assistance in obtaining employment for their spouses.
Fortunately, companies’ human resource personnel are in an
advantageous position to provide such assistance, because they
are the most attuned to job opportunities and are frequently
networked with other area employers. One such example is an
employer network in Columbus, Ohio, which is made up of over
40 organizations.^92 As specific examples, General Motors
provides referrals and counseling assistance for spouses and
IBM provides similar assistance.^93 More specific examples of
employer assistance are the following:

Atlantic Richfield Company, The Dow Chemical
Company, Eastman Kodak, IBM, Merck & Co.,
Procter & Gamble, US Sprint, and Warner-
Lambert will all help spouses find jobs. Many will
give serious consideration to hiring them.^94

Aside from obtaining another job for the spouse, another
problem faced by dual career couples is the details of moving.
In the past, the wife, who was less likely to be employed,

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