Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Four

typically handled these details. Further, family support systems
now handle more duties such as childcare, housekeeping, and
assistance with elderly parents. These support systems must be
reestablished with a move to a different geographic location.
With dual-career couples, the details involved with transfers
have increased and cannot be handled by a spouse who is not
employed. As a result, more time is required for the transfers,
along with earlier notice.^95

A related issue of greater importance in recent years is
requests for transfer assistance when the other half of the dual-
career couple is not a spouse. A survey revealed that almost 20
percent of companies furnish relocation assistance in such

However, there are a number of problems
companies face in these situations, such as, “How
significant does the other have to be to be
considered a partner? Is the length of time the
relationship has existed a factor in defining
partners? What about samegender couples?”^97

Another response to problems such as these is that more
companies are adapting their policies to deal with the special
issues involved with dual-career couples. A survey of nepotism
policies (employment of relatives) indicates that, of the

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