Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Four


This section has covered methods by which companies obtain
the efficiencies needed for implementation of their strategies.
Employers have become more efficient and flexible by
broadening the duties and responsibilities of their employees.
Cross-training has been used effectively in these efforts to gain
flexible work assignments so that employees’ time may be
more efficiently utilized. In addition to producing benefits for
the organization, cross-training has appeal for employees when
combined with skill-based pay systems. Organizational cultures
emphasizing trust appear to promote flexibility through such
practices as the elimination of rules. Approaches for operating
on a nonunion basis were also discussed as means of obtaining

Several methods for dealing with shortages of employees
and skills were discussed. These included strategic recruitment
from both internal and external sources and special recruiting
for minorities and females. Suggestions were provided for the
conduct of flexible retirement programs as a means of dealing
with employee shortages. The requirements for effective
selection were briefly reviewed and several methods for
improved selections were discussed—including behavioral
interviews, testing, and assessment centers. Methods for

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